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Add a Feature Type

1. Define the new feature type

Feature types are defined as constants in ludwig/

Add the name of the new feature type as a constant:

BINARY = "binary"
CATEGORY = "category"
NEW_FEATURE_TYPE = "new_feature_type_name"

2. Add feature classes in a new python module

Source code for feature classes lives under ludwig/features/. Add the implementation of the new feature into a new python module ludwig/feature/<new_name>

Input and output feature classes are defined in the same file, for example CategoryInputFeature and CategoryOutputFeature are defined in ludwig/features/

Input features inherit from ludwig.features.base_feature.InputFeature and corresponding mixin feature classes:

class CategoryInputFeature(CategoryFeatureMixin, InputFeature):

Similarly, output features inherit from the ludwig.features.base_feature.OutputFeature and corresponding mixin feature classes:

class CategoryOutputFeature(CategoryFeatureMixin, OutputFeature):

Feature base classes (InputFeature, OutputFeature) inherit from LudwigModule which is itself a torch.nn.Module, so all the usual concerns of developing Torch modules apply.

Mixin classes provide shared preprocessing/postprocessing state and logic, such as the mapping from categories to indices, which are shared by input and output feature implementations. Mixin classes are not torch modules, and do not need to provide a forward method.

class CategoryFeatureMixin(BaseFeatureMixin):

3. Implement required methods

Input features


Feature parameters are provided in a dictionary of key-value pairs as an argument to the constructor. The feature dictionary should usually be passed to the superclass constructor before initialization:

def __init__(self, feature: [str, Any], encoder_obj=None):
    # Initialize any modules, layers, or variable state


  • feature: (dict) contains all feature config parameters.
  • encoder_obj: (Encoder, default: None) is an encoder object of the supported type (category encoder, binary encoder, etc.). Input features typically create their own encoder, encoder_obj is only specified when two input features share the same encoder.


All input features must implement the forward method with the following signature:

def forward(self, inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    # perform forward pass
    # ...
    # inputs_encoded = result of encoder forward pass
    return inputs_encoded


  • inputs (torch.Tensor): The input tensor.


  • (torch.Tensor): Input data encoded by the input feature's encoder.


def input_shape(self) -> torch.Size:


  • (torch.Size): The fully-specified size of the feature's expected input, without batch dimension.

Output features


def __init__(self, feature: Dict[str, Any], output_features: Dict[str, OutputFeature]):
    super().__init__(feature, output_features)
    # Initialize any decoder modules, layers, metrics, loss objects, etc.


  • feature (dict): contains all feature parameters.
  • output_features (dict[Str, OutputFeature]): Dictionary of other output features, only used if this output feature depends on other outputs.


Computes feature logits from the combiner output (and any features this feature depends on).

def logits(self, inputs: Dict[str, torch.Tensor],  **kwargs):
    hidden = inputs[HIDDEN]
    # logits = results of decoder operation
    return logits


  • inputs (dict): input dictionary which contains the HIDDEN key, whose value is the output of the combiner. Will contain other input keys if this feature depends on other output features.


  • (torch.Tensor): feature logits.


Creates and returns a torch.nn.Module that converts raw model outputs (logits) to predictions. This module is required for exporting models to Torchscript.

def create_predict_module(self) -> PredictModule:


  • (PredictModule): A module whose forward method convert feature logits to predictions.


def output_shape(self) -> torch.Size:


  • (torch.Size): The fully-specified size of the feature's output, without batch dimension.

Feature Mixins

If your new feature can re-use the preprocessing and postprocessing logic of an existing feature type, you do not need to implement a new mixin class. If your new feature does require unique pre or post-processing, add a new subclass of ludwig.features.base_feature.BaseFeatureMixin. Implement all abstract methods of BaseFeatureMixin.

4. Add the new feature classes to the corresponding feature registries

Input and output feature registries are defined in ludwig/features/ Import your new feature classes, and add them to the appropriate registry dictionaries:

base_type_registry = {
    CATEGORY: CategoryFeatureMixin,
input_type_registry = {
    CATEGORY: CategoryInputFeature,
output_type_registry = {
    CATEGORY: CategoryOutputFeature,

5. Add schema class definitions for new feature types

In order to validate user input against the expected inputs and input types for the new feature type you have defined, we need to create schema classes that will autogenerate the json schema required for validation.

If the new feature type will just function as an input feature, you only need to define an input feature schema class. Here is an example of how the category feature schema classes are defined:

Input Feature Type

from marshmallow_dataclass import dataclass

from ludwig.constants import CATEGORY
from ludwig.schema import utils as schema_utils
from ludwig.schema.encoders.base import BaseEncoderConfig
from ludwig.schema.encoders.utils import EncoderDataclassField
from ludwig.schema.features.base import BaseInputFeatureConfig
from ludwig.schema.features.preprocessing.base import BasePreprocessingConfig
from ludwig.schema.features.preprocessing.utils import PreprocessingDataclassField
from ludwig.schema.features.utils import input_config_registry, output_config_registry

class CategoryInputFeatureConfig(BaseInputFeatureConfig):
    """CategoryInputFeatureConfig is a dataclass that configures the parameters used for a category input

    preprocessing: BasePreprocessingConfig = PreprocessingDataclassField(feature_type=CATEGORY)

    encoder: BaseEncoderConfig = EncoderDataclassField(

    tied: str = schema_utils.String(
        description="Name of input feature to tie the weights of the encoder with.  It needs to be the name of a "
        "feature of the same type and with the same encoder parameters.",

If the new feature type can also be an output feature type, you will need to define an output feature schema class as well:

Output Feature Type

from marshmallow_dataclass import dataclass

from ludwig.schema import utils as schema_utils
from ludwig.constants import CATEGORY, SOFTMAX_CROSS_ENTROPY
from ludwig.schema.decoders.base import BaseDecoderConfig
from ludwig.schema.decoders.utils import DecoderDataclassField
from ludwig.schema.features.base import BaseOutputFeatureConfig
from ludwig.schema.features.loss.loss import BaseLossConfig
from ludwig.schema.features.loss.utils import LossDataclassField
from ludwig.schema.features.preprocessing.base import BasePreprocessingConfig
from ludwig.schema.features.preprocessing.utils import PreprocessingDataclassField
from ludwig.schema.features.utils import output_config_registry

class CategoryOutputFeatureConfig(BaseOutputFeatureConfig):
    """CategoryOutputFeatureConfig is a dataclass that configures the parameters used for a category output

    preprocessing: BasePreprocessingConfig = PreprocessingDataclassField(feature_type="category_output")

    loss: BaseLossConfig = LossDataclassField(

    decoder: BaseDecoderConfig = DecoderDataclassField(

    reduce_input: str = schema_utils.ReductionOptions(
        description="How to reduce an input that is not a vector, but a matrix or a higher order tensor, on the first "
        "dimension (second if you count the batch dimension)",

    dependencies: list = schema_utils.List(
        description="List of input features that this feature depends on.",

    reduce_dependencies: str = schema_utils.ReductionOptions(
        description="How to reduce the dependencies of the output feature.",

    top_k: int = schema_utils.NonNegativeInteger(
        description="Determines the parameter k, the number of categories to consider when computing the top_k "
        "measure. It computes accuracy but considering as a match if the true category appears in the "
        "first k predicted categories ranked by decoder's confidence.",

    calibration: bool = schema_utils.Boolean(
        description="Calibrate the model's output probabilities using temperature scaling.",

Lastly, you need to add a reference to the schema class definitions on your input feature type definitions. So for instance, on the CategoryInputFeature class, we need to add a get_schema_cls method:

class CategoryInputFeature(CategoryFeatureMixin, InputFeature):


    def get_schema_cls():
        return CategoryInputFeatureConfig

Likewise for the output feature class:

class CategoryOutputFeature(CategoryFeatureMixin, OutputFeature):


    def get_schema_cls():
        return CategoryOutputFeatureConfig