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Adapter-based fine-tuning for text generation

Llama2-7b Fine-Tuning 4bit (QLoRA)

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This example shows how to fine-tune Llama2-7b to follow instructions. Instruction tuning is the first step in adapting a general purpose Large Language Model into a chatbot.

This example uses no distributed training or big data functionality. It is designed to run locally on any machine with GPU availability.



Install Ludwig

pip install ludwig ludwig[llm]

Command Line

Set your token environment variable from the terminal, then run the API script:

export HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN="<api_token>"

Python API

Set your token environment variable from the terminal, then run the API script:

export HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN="<api_token>"

Upload to HuggingFace

You can upload to the HuggingFace Hub from the command line:

ludwig upload hf_hub -r <your_org>/<model_name> -m <path/to/model>